What’s inside?
The Toolkit presents a series of case studies structured in a standardised way that allows comparing and filtering information according to the needs and interests of the cities which look for inspiration as well as practical information. Including main objectives set, challenges faced, key learnings and recommendations from cities’ experiences, the cases aim at being a practical tool dedicated to other interested cities. Download here the PDF version. Practical information about internal and external stakeholders, partners, finance and cost, human resources and time as well as the use of the Olympic brand are also documented and available upon request from the Olympic Cities’ team or on the Members‘ portal.
By bringing city improvement projects under the umbrella of the Olympic narrative, a city can help to communicate to stakeholders more effectively the bigger picture of what is trying to be achieved and how it will ultimately benefit them in the long term. Therefore, five objectives have been defined to categorise the different cases. Sustainability is a cross-cutting component and an overarching goal that is, de facto, present in each of the following objectives.
To know more about these objectives, please click on the images below.
The full cases’ presentations gather practical information including internal and external partners involved, finance and cost, use of the Olympic brand, human resources and time as well as contact details. The full cases are available in printable version on the Olympic Cities Members’ portal.
Internal and External Stakeholders

Identifying the necessary internal and external partners is key for a city at an early stage. For cities interested in designing an event or a project, it is useful to see how other cities articulate their own project with partners.
Internal bodies that are involved in a project may include various city departments such as the Department of Sport, Department of Tourism, Department of Education, Department of Finance, Department of Culture, Department of Commerce, etc.
External bodies involved may include: the IOC, various NGOs, other state bodies, other cities or governments, sports federations, etc.
Finance & Cost

Data on financial partners and funding sources, when available, provide a wealth of information in designing a project. This category gives, when possible, a rough estimate of the costs of a project. Data provided have to be taken cautiously. Indeed, the context, the country involved, the length of a project or an event, the inclusion or not of HR costs, the approximate exchange rate used, in-kind contributions from partners, etc. are limiting factors that prevent us from providing harmonised and comparable data. Members are therefore invited to get in touch with each other and with the Union to get additional information.
Use of the Olympic Brand

Information on any usage (or not) of the Olympic logo or other Olympic branding incorporated in the project gives useful indications on how cities can valorise their legacy activation project. It happens that cities do not need to use Olympic branding. Those examples show that Olympic legacy as such goes far beyond a concrete reference and is embodied by the values and the principles contained in the project itself.
Human Resources and Time

Information related to the amount of people working on the project and the time spent by dedicated staff is useful for cities to design their own project, assess the number of staff needed (paid and volunteer) and elaborate their budget, as human resources represent a substantial financial component. This type of information can help cities properly anticipate the needs not only for the management of the project or the event but also during the preparatory phase. However, these data do not necessarily provide comparable information as some cities absorb the additional work required for such events/projects under their regular budget or with regular staff without isolating dedicated resources.

Evaluation criteria need to be set up in advance in order to ensure proper assessment and potential replicability or perpetuation of a project. Cities have provided information about how their programme was evaluated and what the outcomes were.
Key indicators are very diverse and depend on the project design itself. They could include: number of participants, numbers of volunteers mobilised, increase in tourism, number of people trained, improvement of health and life style, number of sports practitioners, etc.

There are always expected or unexpected key challenges to face when planning and implementing a project. Cities provided information about the challenges they faced and the mitigating measures they took to overcome them. Far from being a description of problems, this section gives precious advice and solutions that would allow other cities anticipating and defining adequate measures.

Critical knowledge developed before/during/after the project that led to its success constitute a source of useful information. Cities provided short descriptions on how 2 to 3 relevant learning outcomes were arrived at as well as how they contributed to the success of the project. They have also documented learnings, where relevant, and provided recommendations. Examples are as diverse as the projects themselves.

This section provides the contact details of the relevant individual, office or department responsible for handling information requests related to this project as well as the official website. When available, additional information invites the reader to further explore the project and continue his/her inspiring journey.