“For each of these cities, the experience of serving as an Olympic host is an outstanding and memorable moment in the history of the city. The World Union of Olympic Cities helps its members to keep alive their Olympic legacies.”
David Simon
Vice President of the World Union of Olympic Cities
David Simon is Senior Advisor and past President for two sports organizations: the Southern California Committee for the Olympic Games, whose mission is to promote the Olympic Movement in the Los Angeles area, and the Los Angeles Sports Council, whose efforts are focused on the creation of economic development through sport. He has served on the boards of bids and organizing committees for numerous international events including the Super Bowl, the FIFA World Cup and several world championships in individual Olympic sports. Earlier in his career he was Vice President of the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, helping to ensure the success of the 1984 Olympic Games.
Last name: Simon
First name: David
Function: Senior Advisor and Past President of the Los Angeles Sport Council
City: Los Angeles
Passion: Sport as a vehicle for bringing people together
Olympic Cities
City of Lausanne
P.O. Box 6904
CH - 1002 Lausanne
T + 41 21 315 24 49
F + 41 21 315 20 04