Paris – Olympic Day & Horizon 2024

  • Olympic City: Paris
  • Country: France
  • Edition of the Games: 2024 Summer Olympic Games
Celebration of OG designation

Act II – Climax

Factual Data

Events’ Format

Open-public sport activities were organised with 17 Paris districts

A festive playground gathering more than 30 sport activities in the heart of Paris available all day

A 2024m race at night


Two days

20 June 2018: 17 Paris districts and inhabitants (schools mobilised for children and families

23 June: a global celebration


Day 1: 15 venues in 15 different sports centres of Paris

Day 2: right and left banks of the river Seine in the heart of Paris;

Arcole Bridge; Alexander III Bridge; Town Hall esplanade; Invalides Esplanade;

Champ-de-Mars (Eiffel Tower)


City of Paris and its different branches involved

French NOSC

Paris 2024 Organizing Committee

Sport federations

Conception and Production Agencies (Sportmarket & Oconnection)

Mobilisation & Visibility

  • Press conference on May 29th on the boat Le FLOW and press release
  • Local Volunteers: Team Paris (more than 100 people)
  • Mobilisation of actors involved in the Paris 2024 bid: former and actual athletes, OCOG PARIS 2024 and NOC members, 30 sport federations
  • 450 000 participants
  • 3679 #journéeolympique
  • 1500 accreditations
  • 250 000 square meters dedicated to sports in the public area
  • 40 athletes

Focus was mostly on Paris inhabitants, with a special focus on families.

Combination with other events

International Olympic Day

World Refugee Day

Inventory of Activities

picto_sports90x90 SPORT

Race of 2024m

Canoe, kayak, sailing, archery, baseball, softball, table tennis, golf, handball, tennis, football, rugby, volleyball, sit volley, triathlon, swimming, cycling, climbing, shooting, pole vaulting, judo, adapted judo, fight, karate, taekwondo, blind football, basketball chair, field hockey, boxing, fencing, wheelchair fencing, modern pentathlon, skateboard, badminton, weightlifting.


Exhibition about Olympic values set by the French NOSC;

Panels with quizzes about Olympic values

picto_building290x90URBAN RENOVATION

Reorganisation of the banks of the river Seine into an Olympic and Paralympic area. In particular, the famous Arcole bridge turned into a pole-vaulting competition site with the participation of famous athletes like Renaud Lavillenie.

picto_brand_olympique90x90USE OF OLYMPIC SYMBOLS & BRAND

Olympic Rings

The Olympic rings ordered by the City of Paris after winning the hosting of the 2024 Games were installed in the public area, near the City Town Hall.

Their installation was the main challenge because of the weight and the scale. Many handlers were mobilized.


More information

The full case is available in printable version on the members’ portal

In addition to the above description, the PDF version also gathers practical information including internal and external partners involved; finance and cost; use of the olympic brand; human resources and time; and contact details. 

The World Union of Olympic Cities’ team remains at your disposal for any further information and contact’s facilitation at 

Additional resources can be found through the following links: