Celebrations Innsbruck Act II

Innsbruck – 50th Olympic Anniversary

©Innsbruck tirol sport
  • Olympic City: Innsbruck
  • Country: Austria
  • Edition of the Games: 1964 Winter Olympic Games
50th Olympic Anniversary

Act II – Climax

Factual Data

Events’ Format

Celebrations combined sport with cultural events as well as international sport competitions with popular initiations.

1.01.2014: The Tyrolean Symphony Innsbruck (TSOI) provided an “Olympic fireworks” at the traditional New Year’s Concert in the Innsbruck Congress Centre.

25-26.01.2014: Speedskating Junior World Cup in Olympiaworld

30.01-1.02.2019: Junior Luge World Championships in Olympic Bobsleigh, luge and skeleton track.

29.01.2014: New Year Official reception Official Reception at the 1964 Olympic Village. Participants of the 1964 & 1976 Olympic Games were invited and Olympic champions were on stage.

3 days of activities for locals and tourists alike at three of the official venues/sites:

31.1.2014 – Biathlon and Cross country at Seefeld (31.01); ski and snowsport activities at Patscherkofel and Nordkette (1-2.02) as well as ice-sport activities in the Olympiaworld on 2.2.2014

Laying down of Walk of fame 3.2.2014 with Olympic luge champions/medallists present and past Josef Feistmantl and Nina Reithmayr

Welcoming of the Olympic Athletes of the Sochi Olympic Games on 24.2.2014 in the centre of Innsbruck together with Music Acts and Broadcasting followed by the FIS Team World Cup Event on Patscherkofel on the 25.02.2014. Therefore, a Jubilee Journal and different videos where produced showcasing the achievements and the highlights that the Games have brought to the City and its inhabitants.

7.05.2014: Traditional Innsbruck Athletes’ honour, specially dedicated to the anniversary of the Olympic Games.

21-22 June 2014: Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Olympic Village.


January & February 2014 + a series of punctual events during the year


Olympic Villages of ´64 and ´76

Olympic Skating and Luge track

Patscherkofel as the Downhill venue

Seefeld for all Nordic Sports

Innsbruck Tirol Sports

The Office of the Mayor of Innsbruck

City of Innsbruck Sports Department

Region of Tirol Protocol Department

National Sports Federations

The Austrian Olympic Committee

Commercial partners

Local media

Local athletes

Mobilisation & Visibility

The numerous events of the anniversary were accompanied by extensive marketing measures to give visibility to the celebration:

  • Press conference on 30.01. 2014
  • 50-page festival brochure published on January 27 as an addition to a daily newspaper throughout the country with a circulation of around 120,000 copies
  • Posters films, flags, pins and a showcase campaign in the city centre to create a visual identity
  • A dedicated website
  • The presentation of an Olympic stamp recalling the anniversary

Public viewing during Sochi Winter Games

Combination with other events

Some events were running during these Celebrations including the Juniors Luge World Championships, FIS Team World Cup Event on Patscherkofel and the Homecoming Party of the Austrian Olympic Athletes from Sochi.

Not all of them were open to public but created a very stimulating and attractive atmosphere within the City.

Inventory of Activities

picto_sports90x90 SPORT

Sport days existing since 1994 were renamed “Olympic Sports Days” for the anniversary. During 3 days, the population could try and play many different sport. Biathlon was also included for the first time. Sports Days were open to all in some of the Olympic venues.

Official races at the Juniors Luge World Championships and with the FIS-Team Event at the Alpine venue as the last Event of the 2-month period.


Cinematic and musical performances at the New Year’s Official Reception at the Olympic Village (29.01.2014).

Inauguration of the “Walk of Fame” on 30.01.2014. Similar to Hollywood Boulevard in LA, a hundred starts with the names of Olympic medallists of the 1964 & 1972 and 2012 YOG are now visible downtown.

24.02.2014: Concerts, Music Acts and Broadcasting after the homecoming of the Olympic Athletes from Sochi and at the alpine event.

picto_building290x90URBAN RENOVATION

Renovation work had been done towards the YOG 2012 just two years prior to the celebration.

21-22 June 2014: Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Olympic Village, which is the “youngest” district of Innsbruck. 1964 Games created valuable housing and important infrastructure. Innsbruck citizens benefit from approximatively 800 apartments that were first occupied in the summer of 1964.

picto_brand_olympique90x90USE OF OLYMPIC SYMBOLS & BRAND

The Logo of the past edition of the Games was used for the official invitation to the reception in the Olympic Village as well as for the Jubilee Brochure which was distributed via the regional daily newspaper.

As a three-time host of Winter Olympic Competition, the City of Innsbruck has a strong connection with the Olympic brand. Many of the activities took place at former Olympic venues which display the famous Olympic symbol. Furthermore, the programme’s promotional material made extensive use of footage from the Innsbruck Games which featured the Olympic logo. This helped to generate increased interest and excitement amongst the public. Also some of the “old” Artwork was then reused in collaboration with the NOC.



More information


The full case is available in printable version on the members’ portal

In addition to the above description, the PDF version also gathers practical information including internal and external partners involved; finance and cost; use of the olympic brand; human resources and time; and contact details. 

The World Union of Olympic Cities’ team remains at your disposal for any further information and contact’s facilitation at info@olympiccities.org 

Additional resources can be found through the following links:

