Act by example!
The World Union of Olympic Cities plays a key role in the promotion of Sport for All through the dialogue and exchange of experiences it generates between cities of all sizes.
Promote Sport for All in order strengthen society: For a healthier community with strong values, open to others, proud of its talents and its identity.
Find inspiration in the Get Moving Toolkit, from the IOC Sports & Active Society Commission. This guide has been designed to be an informative and useful platform that provides knowledge and tools in order to improve existing sport for all programmes worldwide as well as to create new ones.
Visit the Designed to Move platform and read the Active Cities Report, a blueprint for leaders who wish to transform any city into an active city. The Active Cities Report includes practical guidance, sample metrics and inspirational examples as well as a summary of the evidence that proves an active city is a competitive city.
Join the Global Active City programme, a new worldwide movement supported by the IOC. This good practice-sharing network was recommended by the WHO Global Action Plan on Physical Activity as one of a package of measures that can help cities to encourage residents to make long term behavioural changes. The programme was founded by TAFISA, The Association For International Sport for All, in partnership with Evaleo, a sustainable health charity.
Promote sport and activities for young people through an exhibition. Look at the Get Active Exhibition!